May 1, 2022. I Timothy 3:8-13

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THE CHURCH DEACON. I Timothy 3:8-13. 05/01/2022. #8.

8 Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money, 9 holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. 10 But let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons, being found blameless. 11 Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things. 12 Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. 13 For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

1. The church care givers

                a. Deacon = helper, one who ministers, a servant

                b. Two uses of the word deacon

                                a1. General term of anyone who serves or helps others (like Phoebe in Romans 16)

                                a2. The office of deacon (a position)

                c. Acts 6:1-7 – the office of deacon was produced out of necessity (to solve administration issues)

                                a1. The apostles and elders (see Acts 15) taught the Word and prayed

                                a2. Temporal issues (food, care giving) had to be managed as well

                d. Like Jethro’s advice to Moses (Ex. 18), the apostles needed helpers to take care of flock

                                a1. Office of deacon was created

                                a2. Deacons were to help elders care for assembly (financial, practical, solutions)

2. Different office, but the same standards

                a. Even though deacons are different than elders, they are held to the same standards

                b. Deacons are to be reverent, sober, and not greedy

                c. Double-tongued = back biting, gossip, rumors

                d. Similar to elders: not a drunkard, covetous, or able to be accused of wrongdoing (blameless)

                e. New requirement: holding onto the mysteries (hidden secrets) with a pure conscience

                                a1. The mysteries = previously hidden secrets of God’s plan of salvation (the gospel)

                                a2. With a pure conscience = not drifting from the faith (a true unwavering faith)

                                a3. A tacit belief that can be swayed will not stand (many fall away from true faith)

                f. Must test a man’s faith before he is a deacon

                g. Not only are the children of deacons to be in submission, but the wives are to be holy as well

                                a1. Wives of deacons are not to be gossips, slanderers, quarrelsome, accusers, drunkards, or unfaithful

                                a2. An unruly wife disqualifies a man to hold the office of deacon

                h. Like elders, a deacon is to be the husband of one wife, and able to rule his house well

                i. A deacon is to have a good reputation and to be known to boldly claim the faith to others

3. Not by might, manipulation, or mandate

                a. The qualifications of church leaders are purely spiritual, chosen by examining their lives

                b. Deacons are not politically elected, an inheritance, by popular appointment, or of necessity

                c. A church runs well if it has godly leadership, but it falters under immature selfish leadership

                    (humility of serving others)

                d. Spiritual leadership makes the church different from all other organizations

                e. The flock is follow the leadership in godliness