Aug 4, 2024. James 1:19-20

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SELF-DISCIPLINE. JAMES 1:19-20. 08/04/2024. #5.

19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

1. Turning point

                a. James spent much time encouraging readers to endure testing

                                a1. Those who are tempted are enticed by their own cravings

                                a2. God does not tempt anyone, but he does test his followers (Job 1, Gen. 2)

                b. James then stated that all good gifts come from God, including the testing

                                a1. What we crave for is not from God

                                a2. What God sends us, including the testing that strengthens us so we will bear good fruit is for our blessing and ultimate reward

2. The focused heart

                a. Verses 19-20 are preparatory verses

                                a1. In order to receive God’s blessing, we must first receive his instructions

                                a2. In order to receive God’s instructions, we must listen to his voice through his Word and by His Spirit

                b. Be swift to hear is both specific and general

                                a1. We must eagerly seek to hear God’s Word without objection or resistance

                                a2. We must hear what others say before we can properly respond to them

                c. Often we are so anxious to speak, that we fail to truly listen so we can truly understand

                d. Scriptures are full of admonitions to listen

                                a1. Proverbs 18:13-17 – he who gives an answer before he fully hears a matter is shamed

                                                b1. Every man’s case seems right until you speak to others about it

                                                b2. Jumping to conclusions brings sin

                                a2. Mt. 13:11-17 Jesus spoke in parables because the Jews would not hear his words or understand the meaning of his works

                                a3. Hebrews 5:11 the readers had become “dull of hearing” so that they could not be taught

                e. There is no use to read the Word, unless you are ready to hear (perceive) the Word to apply it

                f. In order to hear, we must be still

                                a1. God’s thoughts are greater than ours

                                a2. Philippians 2:3 the concerns of others are the focus of our ministry by applying God’s grace to their needs (1 Peter 3:15)

                g. One who dominates a conversation does not learn truth or how to meet the needs of others

                                a1. One must take in knowledge and wisdom before he can dispense it to others

                                a2. God wants to teach us so we can teach others the oracles of God (1 Peter 4:11)

3. The disciplined saint

                a. Slow to anger (orge, Eng. word orgy) = we become upset at many things

                                a1. Genesis 3 Cain was upset that his offering was rejected by God

                                a2. Moses was upset with the people of God

                                a3. Jonah was upset that God saved Nineveh

                b. God has a purpose in circumstances and his will for our lives

                                a1. As Jesus stood calm before his persecutors, we are to take trials in faith

                                a2. Though it is proper to be upset with sin (Psalm 51), we are to show grace, mercy, and

                                        help for the sinner (John 8:1-12)

                c. There is a place for admonishment (Eph. 6:4, I Thessalonians 5:14), but never self-righteous anger (Jehu)

                                a1. Our anger does not work the righteousness of God

                                a2. Anger merely ruins our testimony

                d. A believer is led by the Word and Spirit, leaving his personal prideful reactions aside and controlled

Key passage: Proverbs 18:13-17

13 He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him. 14 The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit? 15 The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. 16 A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men. 17 The first one to plead his cause seems right, Until his neighbor comes and examines him.